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Make your people, teams, departments talk to each other and work together

The focus of my activity is on improving and optimizing communication within and between groups, teams, departments and companies.
powerspeech presentation management advice working together
powerspeech presentation management advice working together
powerspeech presentation management advice working together
I help my customers in dealing with particularly challenging communication situations
  • establishing reliable communication across cultural, national and linguistic borders
  • defining and implementing a company strategy on different levels 
  • assisting in communication within dispersed teams
  • improving the quality of company presentations  and the communication skills of the presenters (I am the author of the powerspeech workshop, that has been attended by more than 2000 participants worldwide)
  • resolving conflicts stably


These include for instance:
  • assessing communication structures and processes, suggesting and implementing improvement measures 

  • organizing and facilitating workshops

  • monitoring and supporting virtual project teams

  • individual executive coaching

  • customized solutions

powerspeech presentation management advice working together
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